I wanted to remix the anthem in the style of My Last Stand & a tiny bit of Storm Rising from Tekken 8. Hoping I did a decent job mimicking its sound :)

Art by Kotorai/Kotomar:

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  • 🔥 sounds like Tekken tbh

  • From four years ago, to now, the journey is insane

  • No wonder you won... Jezz your good Jet

  • This is beautiful

  • How did I miss this!? This is incredible!

  • Woah this cool

  • brings back the feelings of the classic Tekken

  • whooo - great one!

  • absolutely bananas

  • can't wait to get wall carried by lili to this banger

    1:24 is so good from an arrangement perspective.. just a solid chord progression and melody

    so full man

    I think ive said this before but arrangement skill is just as potent as musical talent and you have both

    well done

  • i never thought that i would be living in the timeline where jetdarc makes a tekken 8 remix. this is great!