I'm just really stunned by how the world has completely collapsed in 2020. But George Floyd was the last straw. This is just an epitome of how we've thrown away our regards for human and civil rights, and how we have completely given into racial prejudice. I hate that I couldn't do anything to prevent his tragic death, and although I may not be a friend of his, George Floyd DID NOT deserve such a tragic way to die. I chose to cover A Goodbye to the World by Porter Robinson, as it expresses both of my feelings of my sorrow and condolences for George, and how I feel like the policeman that killed him has straight up abandoned his humanity. RIP Geourge Floyd, RIP.

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  • #blacklivesmetter

  • goodbye to a world

  • lets make this chart

  • Ignorance, violence and prejudice together... what a shame!

  • I participated in a march today. Walked for over an hour and saw the excitement in the people around me. It's nice to see just how manu people want change

    • thank you\

      there is no way to explain / name my gratitude for you

  • yeah, sad...

    • We must stick together as a small music community, and be kind, don't argue, but help each other when we are down.

    • Me too, hope he's in a better place rn.

    • That's what I said, the looting in Mpls. I agreed with you, I'm against RIOTS. But it's different when it comes to protests :)

    4 more
  • F.