cool track. that bass is good. Have fun in germany and enjoy your break from the internet

Hey everybody! This wendesday I'm leaving home to expend the rest of July in a festival up in Germany, where I'll be sleeping in a tent 12 days or so. After that, I'm going to my parents house until August 15th. There is no wifi or any internet connection whatsoever there, so this mean I'm going to be taking a little hiatus from audiotool.
I'm posting this draft just to warn everybody, so you dont have to worry about me not coming back, I'll definetly will. If you make any amazing new music during this holidays, please keep posting it on my wall. Just don't spam it to much please!
So, with all of this said, I wish you all a wonderful summer, hope everybody enjoys their well-deserved break.
Lots of love <3
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