Nice track my friend. Very Nice. Subtle Junglism. Gotta love it.

bit of fun - got the amen break out
wish I could make tracks more complex - but I am limited by cpu speed.
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0 Jungle beat, check out Good looking Records. Some artists Photek, Peshay, Seba.
0 Dope shit! Pure oldschool junglism.
0 hate when that happens maybe you can get a cheap external hardrive.. good shit man.
0 This is what I'm talking about, love the bass and those drums
1 oh it's a sample. oh well ;p
0 Awesome, choppy and interesting drums, and cool pad too :)
0 wow mnan great work
0 this is great! love it!!
1 whoa, this is the real amen break!! and not only that, your programming of it is superb! amazing
0 so clean
1 Love this
0 :O :O :O :O mindblown
0 Dem drums man. I like jungle drums and this is perfect!
0 I like.