track: 3/6 .. release: skeleton rift


description: this is probably the song that will be the first single in my ep called "skeleton rift". i promise the lyrics will make more sense when the whole ep is out (yes, it has lore).



(verse 1 preview)

I can see it, a way out of my head.

I command it, you can't uphand it; but that's unrelated.

I won't watch you collapse into your own mind.

'Cuz that shit's boring and I got more important stuff to do.

So please, I implore you...

Watch me fall into my old brain and come out with something you never could've thought of.

Because your fuckin' mind is in debt for ideas. (Keep searching, cunt)

(changed from chorus to verse 1 because the chorus wasn't 100% done)

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  • this made my bone in my finger feel funny

  • sandwich approved