I'm not confident in my remixing skills but I will try to remix this

failed attempt for the album
i cant think of what else to do with this
lemme know if you want remix on
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1 -
1 Very nice !
1 The arps make it for me so nice, spacy :~)
1 Really cool actually
1 It's not a failed draft ! it's more like a big intro for a soundtrack !
2 that lil melody glide got me weak oh my gosh literally my favorite part im gonna MMMMMM
0 3/3 people want remix
0 Republished
remix on ig 🙄
1 oooh can i remix, i got a really cool idea for this
0 Can I add this to a video I'm making?
2 oh man, a DnB remix of this would be sick, great atmosphere!