So Quasar exists. Cool.

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  • i strive to find these gosh dang drums and hi hights

  • what the hell... How did you get charted fore your first song

  • I listen to this on repeat a lot >.> No regrets tho

  • Where is the snaaaaare

    • I didn't have the "clicky" edm snare so I substituted it with a similar-sounding percussion, lol..

  • dig the synths / vocals

  • good vibes, and interesting track !

  • Woah woah ok this is amazing tho

  • interesting man keep it up

  • Republished

    Mixing is hard :(

  • Republished

    Changed drop synth pattern. Still need to go back in and fix some things, but not much.

  • Could use some changes but cool concept