first time round i liked the wolf howling and piano. this time i noticed the drums and perc sound a bit like warhead by krust. would of expanded more on it though

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0 -
0 Thank you man!
0 Nice work!!! Greetz from Berlin / Germany
0 Thanks dudes =)))
0 nice :D
0 Really good remix!
0 Good remix.Awesome track.
0 Listen please original track journey to ixtlan =)
0 Thank you very much tornsage, your music is really dope, I want some advice from you, if you do not mind
0 a true honor - i hardly ever get remixed and i lov yours so thank you :)
0 Thank you - Vortex333 8)
0 cool music
0 Many thanks guys!
0 Great track!
0 Начало особенно понравилось.
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