Found this really old draft w/ Laidux.

Thought I'd finish it up, but didn't change too much for the sake of keeping it the style it was (this draft is from 2015).

Hope you enjoy it somehow!

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  • this is really old lmao

  • might remix this sexy beast

  • This is really nice though

  • Did laidux delete his account? Says his page doesn't exist...

    • vvv not true yo, just hit up andre on his wall thats how i got all mine restored

    • i tried contacting the devs u fucc

      they never responded

    8 more
  • Me likey :3

  • egh this brings back some really weird memories lmaoo

    it's nice that i have at least one thing from way back when to look back at though

  • :v

  • Oou good ole' laidux. The ending would make such a lovely dnb track..hmm