

Music transcends barriers

Music brings joy

Music is universal

Music is truth

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Music fathoms the sky

Music is everywhere

Music is forever

Music is life

Thanks for listening

The last bit

Thanks to NoMo for the Grand Piano preset.

Was just messing about knob twiddling at the end but decided to keep it in. Then added the last line of "vocals", so thanks to whoever coined the phrase (Cripta?)

As I only have shitty pc speakers the levels and stuff are probably useless but what the heck it'll do.

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  • Thanks all. Lois Cook - yes it is, if you go into the track by "remix" it's the "vocals" line. It's what i've written above from Hello to "the last bit" though you'll have to translate the last bit from the morse to english yourself.

  • Is that morse code?

  • Beautiful track!

  • I like this! Especially the chorsd!

  • Beautiful track,bro. ReFav !

  • Beautiful Bletchley Beats!

  • Beautiful track.

  • come hear todd - don't be shy

  • refav todd - awesome

  • cheers Torn & superN.O.V.A Didja work out what "the last bit" says, and was it Cripta?

  • cool todd :)

  • Thanks Approaching Human. I get what you mean about the perc, - the hat especially I think.

  • interesting pool of sounds. Cool track, percussion seems to be a little out of place at times. not bad!