It all started about three years ago,

Daddy left cause the police would soon know.

I wrote down in my journal, everything I knew

About mom's bruises, were they black or blue?

Same old story, she fell down the stairs.

Every teacher congerence, we recieved stares.

Which turned into scares, look at that kid Joe.

"Dude you're so gay" or "man your mom's a hoe.


It all started about eight years ago.

Mommys not home, me and Christy all alone.

She's only four years old and she's scared to death.

Mommys out clubbing doing Crstal Meth.

She came home one day, "I love you son."

"Bitch you aren't my mom, go back to having fun.

You abandoned me, you abandoned Christy too.

I got two words to say back and that's "fuck" and you".

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  • good job

  • awww/: Worse than my life by a LONG shot, and my life's pretty fucked up </3 You need vocals. Dale.

  • Yes! Some times a slow tune says so much! Nice work!

  • No no just in my mind. i like to tell stories of others

  • shit thats crazy fucked up. is that your life man?