It's finally time, the track that i have been working on for an entire year, probably the biggest in this album i'm about to release, this is legit one of those that im really proud off.

This track is centered around self-motivation, and reflects what i have going in my mind in real life, as someone who isn't really good at anything, you constantly feel useless in the world, but regardless of that you have to keep pushing and pushing, black curtains the title represents on how I hide myself in shade like a curtain, while this SIREN is the curtain, the persona, the mask that I wear to show what me as a person could not accomplish.

Hence, I hope you all enjoy this cause i did while making it with love and passion.

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  • yo this so fucking good!

  • Republished

    Mixing, brought out the layers of vocals and reduced the 5k end of the instrumental. Made snare punchier in last drop, boosted the entire mix by 1db

    • yes, well if you mean making changes. yep

    2 more
  • Republished

    Horns Mixing

  • Republished

    Mixing and Mastering, also made the vocals abit clearer

  • bro whattt

    you have improved so much man

  • Gahdamn. Amazing work.

  • i thought you already published this before, i really like this track and the bridge is pretty cool

  • To all the hip hop and trap rappers seeing this notification, listen up. This man right here is the most underrated rapper on Audiotool. Not only does he have a super unique and catchy flow, but he doesn't just take a lazy 8 bar FL loop or a beat from a Cymatics sample pack and call it a day. He produces his tracks from scratch. So, stop spamming your lazy beats on my wall that uses one Audiotrack and an off tune 808 sample, and fucking learn from this man so you can finally make something good.

    • I mean I do most my projects from scratch but im not vry good soooo.........

    • goodness christ icebox

      this is some gordan ramsay-styled criticism right here

    • Damn bro, you didn't have to do me like that ;-;

    2 more
  • yeeet

  • this actually motivates me a little lol

    the lyrics are just... w o n d e r fu ul to hear

    i absolutely know the feeling of feeling useless and just wanting to do more, regardless if attention is involved or not

    we def need to keep pushing, but we gotta do lots more than pushing, and we can only find that by finding out ourselves n stuff :>

    • that's how we gotta put in work!

  • We should team up and drop an anthem

  • jfc this slaps

    • ohhhh shit it's the lead from hold the line

  • the vocals remind me of virus syndicate lmao

  • Your flows and bars made me so satisfying

    very impressive!