Explanation and the bass design draft is here.---> [/////]

mixing as we speak. we want this to have a c r i s p y mix

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  • 0:13 that bass slide followed by the horns was gold

  • This is pretty sick


  • O_o

  • This is pretty cool.

    I would definitely tone down some of the bass frequencies and boost some highs. I'm hearing a bit of mud around 100 - 200 Hz. I feel like that snare could use a bit more high end energy, so it doesn't feel so muted or far away. The kick sounds awesome and punchy, and I wish the snare had that same bite to it

  • Kurea used the vocals better but bruh this is actually kinda hot, unmixed so I won't crit on that

    The bass is kinda muddy but it's also not, it's also kinda hot, in a lacuna kinda way

    • did i actually get praise from akiri?

  • this is brutal

  • This is one of the coolest takes on that vocal sample that I've heard

  • 00:12 the inner trap kid in me likes that bass start up

  • Republished

    Mixing edit 1

  • ah u didnt mix it because infy is gonna do the mixing if this gets in

    idk if thats smart or lazy, but id still like it mixed so i can at least enjoy hearing it

    • lol!

    • true true

      but what if you mixed it so good that Infy didn't need to mix it... :o

    • yeah im working on mixing it rn

      just itching to share it


  • this is just awesome.

  • I bet this is great, but I can't really tell because of the mixing. Like what even is this... 1:23

    I wanna hear this with mixing and mastering, I bet it'll be great. lol

    • its the tick stab roll sample

  • The mixing is a big yikes but I like this

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