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  • I love this!! Love the melody and upbeat feeling the most in this

  • Ooo yes classic 4kick beat :D

  • Love that opening chord/melody sequence

  • Republished

    Now the Remix is Open

  • Republished

    Remix is Open

  • can we remix this please

    2 more
  • really nice sound design, sound really clean, chords and drums are on point, melody could be more in key, seems to be dipping in and out of the key but other than that theres some really nice ideas going on here

  • you put in a flat

    now i am confused?


  • The track I do the least amount of work on vs the one's I do the most work on get more favs. LOGICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC

  • Good production

  • cough cough house cough

    cough cough not future bass cough

  • ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    • I guess it's something different xD