Dialogue (Draft):

Night: Hmm, that was quite impressive there.

Also, we're here.

BF: Well, that was quick.

Night: Yeah; anyways, we're at the main core area here.

It is quite hot around this area, especially in the Hotlands.

BF: Well, what you said matches what's going on around here.

Night: Yep. I have been in the Core here with Gaster for a long time now.

And we still haven't found our way out yet.

BF: Yipes!

How long have you been here?

Night: I... don't know. It's been a long time that I lost track of the time here in the Underground.

(Footsteps are heard)

???: Well, I know someone who can help get you out of here...

(Night prepares his powers)

Night: Alright, who is that, and what do you want?

(Shadow fades into view, revealing an old friend...)

BF: Hold up, I recognize them...

Night: (Let's his guard down)

Who do you mean?

Deus: Boyfriend?

(He sounded confused)

How did you get here?

BF: After dealing with Chara, I went into the underground to find that someone who you said was somehow in the underground.

Keith: Well, looks like you beat us to it, huh?

BF: You can put it like that; anyway, I want you to meet Night.

He's been here in the Core a long time trying to help Gaster in escaping this place.

Deus: Well, Keith and I are familiar with the underground here, and we will gladly help out.

Night: It sounds nice by what you're saying, but I don't trust you.

Especially since your brother is somehow a phantom.

Keith: Huh?

Night: If you're a person I can't trust, you must beat me in a rap battle.

Keith: ...


Deus: All right, we take on the challenge.

Night: I won't be going easy as I did with BF here, but whatever happens now, will impact what'll happen next.

Keith: Now this is my jam!

Let's do it.

This time, I'm using my real vocals for this match!

(Song Starts)

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