Out On Youtube, Spotify, Apple Music, On November 30th! 2022 ofc

Already out on soundcloud



Uh I'm Happy?

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  • imagine if everything on audiotool sounded this good

  • wait this is so sick. i needa start coming back to AT just to listen to your stuff. this is so good. the chords are so nice. just wish the mix was louder

  • Years later I pop up again and this sttill hits

  • Bro this was my wannabe papakhan phase lmfaoooo

  • Oh this is official? Guess i gotta grade harsh.

    Reese is nice

    Saw stack is nice and wide

    Build is clean

    Oohh drop flow is clean too

    I feel like the drop is great but i can imagine in one of the stops, u adding a pretty fast square arp with lots of delay as an ear candy to complement the flow

    Colorbass is on point

    I like the sound fxs at rhe right in drop 2

    Ok this is fire

    • No prob cuz this is crazy good

    • fast square arp with lots of delay as an ear candy to complement the flow

      Wish i did that as well ;-; Thanks m8 for pointing these things out

    • Like usual from u

    1 more
  • The chord stack is awesome

  • This is so nicee. I'm a bit ashamed that I haven't heard it earlier. You've come a long way man

  • bro this is wild

    the slap in the face when the drop hits


    I can't say anything else. Its perfect.

  • nice

  • This is so fresh I want to drink the timeline around 2:30

    • Your coments both make me feel great about myself, and make me question how tf you come up with such text lmfao

  • I slowly closed my eyes as the bass began to engulf me at 0:13 ...

    Then when I opened my eyes I got excited to read in the description that this is on YouTube and Spotify...

    Then that build up amazed me...

    And now I'm at the drop and my ADHD brain loves all the choppiness and bounciness of it all haha.

    Awesome track, I'm proud of you dude!!! :D

  • FINALLYIA-MAMAMIA RELEASED ON... On... Many.... Many... Platforms.


    6 more
  • dang i wanna study this so bad, could u inv me to a copy?

    • dangit haha! i only have audiotool and ableton

    • PFFFFFFT Sad truth is it was Made in fl- If you have it i can lend you the flp

  • Awesome.

  • this is insane