
trying out luxior's style.

I kinda like this type of thing. real good for a first try. sadly it uses too many Heisenburgs ;-;

ima try to make more of these when i can

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  • amazing <3

  • remaking this track on FL. (adding perks and a new name)

  • hehe. i didnt actually expect it to be like that XD

  • oh I get it. When it shows up in my stream it says all together "is this by M!rai"


  • Yep, my new favourite track on audiotool!

  • <3<3<3<3

  • thanks aBs :D

  • crazy good

  • whoa

  • Dude this is amazing, you're already Lux level, that's insane. It okay if I do an edit without Bitcrushers and change some stuff?

  • This is now my favourite track on audiotool. ^~^

  • HOLY CRAP 01:38 has a sense of fucking ascension, I love that, especially the combination of bass/drums. It reminds me of the music I listened to as a kid. Thanks for bringing back my nostalgia, you bish!

    Awesome track, this is the definition on euphoria right here ^~^

  • 00:47 is a bit of an extreme crusher... .-.

    You always do well with melodies though, you must have a strong grasp of music theory. I'll be learning over the summer when school's out and I'll be taking AP Music Theory when it's back in session...

  • Dammnn