Bumping this to the feed. This is one of my favorite tracks on AT.
Some liquid Dnb for your ears.
I was playing around with the pulv and made what seems to me to sound like a piano in the main melody, tell me what you think :)
Edit: fixed the hats and the vocals
added some more reverb, changed the levels in the end and probably more edits to come :)
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0 -
0 @eratekk Theeenks buddy!
0 this is still soooooooooo nice!
0 truly amazing!
0 I often notice that vocals make good music 30...120% better :) Don't know why.
0 Very nice!
Drums are great and vocal is perfect!
0 Soo beautiful :D
0 hOW TO MAKE Drums
0 very niceeee !!
1 Close your eyes, listen this track and let your brain play hide and seek with those drums
0 Oh my....
0 thats @Intracktion singing isnt it? :) super track!!!!!!!
0 really nice track, tell me what u think about my new track
0 @Reversal wow no way, completely unintentional though. Thats really weird man im freaked out right now.......
0 @Chasm He's also stolen my track name too ;) Into The Atmosphere