Impressive work :)

You have begun you mission, you must travel to
Enceladus, one of Staurn's moons. There has been signs of life and you have been chosen to explore. You will be gone for years, alone in space.
My self proclaimed best track, it just happened while I was expirementing with the pulve.
It uses 3 pulves and a range of effects. Hope you enjoy :)
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0 This must not have been as good as I thought it would be :P
0 Nice one! :)
0 Thanks yas :)
0 love it. very nice !
0 Thanks ntjon!! Means a lot to see the support :)
0 Very nice! good story! There are tracks that are born of the unexpected...
0 Feel free to do it :)
0 this is amazing man....i might take this and add a little beat if u dont mind
0 Thanks :)
0 on day you will i am sure of it now
0 Thanks Uprising, if only I could master those damned beats!!! :P Then I would be set, I really like the ambient stuff, but I am definitely not comparable to Olaf!! :)
0 damn man your music is getting real good m8 i am starting to notice a certain Olaf Type influence and love the fact that you make a Good description it really set the mood for me the sound Quality here is Excellent you are learning at a fast pace..
My favorite track of all of yours
0 I tried to write a beat for this, but anything I wrote took away from the track, I am not very good with the drum stuff :/
0 Around 2:30 wanted to here some chill percussion...hats n snares...kinda militaresque...