This is my first ever fully original song it may sounds a litle amateuristic but like I said "first ever"

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  • Not bad. Pretty decent job tbh. :)

  • nice bro

  • Congrats bro!

    I remember how proud I was the fist time I made a complete track without using samples, it felt great!

    Looking forward to hearing more stuff like this. Keep it up!

  • this is great ^___^ im proud of you. it seams very repetitive but it was short so it works itself out :P ^__^ so now you got a great chord proggression. when you make music like this try to have maybe two or three different melodies so its not so consistent. but its great. good job. nice work ^____^

  • I'm proud of you. you take the step to real producing :)

    samples aren´t bad if they help you to make your track ;)