Hi. I'm probably leaving soon, so im giving away my account.

Basically, im gonna create a big pool, and to enter you need a VT (virtual ticket.) You can enter as many of these as you want, but you gotta earn them.

You earn them by:

-Subbing to my youtube (Check my bio) (3 VT's)

-Adding me on paladins: StageFrightYT (10 VT's)

-Buying my tracks (Jokes, but if you do, every 10p you spend will give you 1 VT.)

-Follow me (1 VT)

TL;DR: Sub to my youtube channel:


Prizes for the comp:

1. 20 VT's, collab for my final song, shoutout on my music channel.

2. 10 VT's, Shout out on my music channel.

3. 5 VT's


None tbh, cam be 30 secs long if you want, idc. Any DAW either.

Deadline: Febuary 1st. (subject to change)


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