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  • crazy intro!

  • Omgosh bad dude..I was only trying to delete my silly comment not yours..Dang man I'm sorry about that. I didn't realize it would do that. I realize that your message was in response to my silly comment.. LOL...Anyway, friend. I read what you said and I agree. Regardless of what anybody says. You got this friend. I got faith in you. Best to produce what you like, when its coming from the heart and our minds. It's easy to be a "Sell OUT" producing what others want from you. Be you.

    • I'm just now reading this lol, but it's cool man. Glad you understood what I was trying to say - It's my philosophy when it comes to creating anything.

  • Hey dude, I really like this track. I like the melodic ambience, behind the halfstep beat. You made a really cool sounding track dude for real. Respect for ya homie. Keep it up..

  • I love the sound design on this!

  • I'm speechless I could never do this. If you need bass drums I can help but only with loops

  • Republished


  • nice sounds and ideas here. Overall a little repetitiv, maybe try to incorporate some instruments that that do a different think than the main lead

    • Ok thanks for the advice.

    • i republished it just now

  • Nice one

  • Republished


  • Republished

    finnished song

  • That bass is therapy, I love the garagey percs, the kick pattern is superb.


    Overall rating: 10 drums out of 10 basses

    • i apreciate it though this is just getting republished right now.

  • calming _^_