Man.. im just finna leave AT, cuz for 1: they never gonna re-enable the sample uploader, 2: these mfs favor EDM niggas more than trap than hip-hop, how i know? cuz ALL the EDM niggas are still up here, but they delete most of our good trap people, like fuck these niggas mane, and if they delete my account because im establishing this, then just follow me on soundcloud and youtube.

and also my ig:


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  • faxs they hate trap producers. Crazy. Cus Hip-hop is the number 1 genre in the world

  • *sigh*

    • oh yea i did lol

    • and off again vista the turkey goes,


      did you hear the little happy thing :)

    2 more
  • they deleted dotaki

  • Trap niqqas dont give us shit to download

  • Yo chill I know it's frustrating but all we can do is hold out and wait. Hopefully they can see that trap/rap makes up like 40% - 50% of this site userbase and respond accordingly

  • bro chill, i aint never seen you spazz out like this bro, its not worth it

    • even so, these niggas gon pull an attack on titan and wait like idk 2 years JUST to re-enable the sample, AND on top of that, STATISTICALLY, AT community DECREASED like a mf, but its whateves ig

    • like im so fuckin pissed that lord beerus' wrath aint got shit on me

    • i dont think i can chill anymore, i've been chilling for the past 6 months (ever since they removed the sample uploader) i cant even be creative no more, how are we supposed to be innovative when we can't even have the samples we need, like its complete bullshit. And not only that, they deleted a beat of mine like I aint even gonna notice, like wtf do you expect me to do?!?!?

  • Ayo lemme hop on this!!


  • BRo they gonna bring back samples bro you GOTTA wait man

  • damn bro

    1 more
  • im finna spazz tf out