Work in Progress
Not finish with it yet so give me 100% critisizm
One thing, ik in the beginning it sounds like...........bubbles, i need to fix that but idk how i got it to sound like that and i was like lolwut XD
The melodies in the remix aren't mine nor made from scratch, they were from stems provided
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0 -
0 bhj,uhbyg
0 That is cool
0 lol what do you mean the weird low sound? XD
0 everything is good except for the weird low sound that goes, oh, i dunno... WOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAWWWWWOOOOOOOO
0 original song: (link is only visible to registered users)
0 @sadface Thanks, how i did the bubbles were from the tonematrix with i think a tubeD and a phaser XD and @FITD_Munki Thanks
0 nice :D cant wait to see the finished project
0 Those bubbles are cool as fuck.
0 lol, if you can hear the bubbles in the beginning(idk why it goes silent) but they are from the tonematrix XD
0 still it sounds very cool!! :3 you have to know what sounds go good together to make songs lol!! i know this because... *sigh* i use mostly samples... i dunno why i can't work that tonematrix!! lol!! >_<
0 thanks, but i didn't make the melody, they were provided
0 sweet cinnamon this is awesome dude!! >_< you're very talented!!