yo why this shit kinda hard?

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1 -
2 gay car goes hard
0 This is my workout hype song lol
3 I gotta rap over this hoe someday
0 bruh if i made smthing like this it wouldn't blow up
1 hard 10-10
0 It’s so good
1 yeah boy
2 hard 10-10
1 MY FIRST TRAP CHART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 why is this not showing as charted, but peope keep telling me it is XD
1 good clean mix guys.
I sugest the 808 be a little more airy if that makes sense. Also can't wait to hear you guys experiment with the hiesnburg! That a whole new world you guys should cover :).
1 600 hundo @terror靄
2 500 hundo @terror靄
1 nOiCe JoB fElLoW pEoPlE tHaT i KnoW