I just wanted to let you know you're earned it

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  • Long time ago. Too soon. Fuck the cobid.

  • sure I got you fam ill do it

    • Are you the new AT troll?

  • I can't tell if the vocal sample is out of key or out of tone with the synths, but there's something odd going on there. I think it's because of how I expect them to lead the chord tones and they lead to a rather weak tone in the second and fourth chords. I like the chime-like synths a lot.

    • I think the Am vocal is in key, but it does seem to not want to resonate well with the 2nd and 4th which gives it that dullness you are describing. I could have spent more time chopping, but oh well. I appreciate your feedback tho, as always it’s great to gain feedback from more trained ears

    • Thanks we will look into it

  • this is great I dont have anything to say about it really...

  • Oh YeAh? WeLl yOu EaRnEd a FavOrItE

  • OMG I earned 1million dollars?!

  • so clean

  • ohh dream collab over here

  • American eagle type beat

  • i freakin love the vocals, nice job <3

  • This finna be sum HeAT, these kids aren’t red-ee