Excellent Oedi ! Epic trancy Dnb composition !
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0 I feel like being on the run! I dig it
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0 Oh wow. This is what I'd call demented, but in a good way. And that choir fits with the atmosphere perfectly. Awesome track!
0 that waveform! another great Oedipax song!
1 note to myself: listen to ALL oedipax songs
0 this is intence dude, totaly in it :)
0 Nice to hear a new letter from you! I've missed your "haunted DnB". ;) Keep up the good work! :)
How about a follow up with the letter Y? (;
0 Wow, that's a huge track! love that beat
0 Great!
0 wow ! really hypnotic !! Brilliant oedi !
0 this is like some sort of sped up breakbeat 90s trance! great!
0 so trancey!
0 Love the beat and the choirs