9k plays is truly outstanding

s/o to @yassou for sending me the acapella.
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1 -
0 ive been balling like an allstar bro
0 insane, this a noah classic
0 The best trap track ever in like ever its so good bro dude THIS IS HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW I BROUGHT THIS UP TO AN EVEN 8888 PLAYS LETSSSSSS GOOOOOOOOOOOO
0 HELP!!!!
0 top 5
0 "i aint even went #1 yet im still spazzin"
2 every time someone comments on this i end up scrolling thru the older comments and get hella nostalgic
0 yo I fw with the vocals like hella it go hard asf
0 normal ahh beats go too crazy
0 just realized this is something nick mira would make
0 but how did you get the vocals
0 this still hella hard
0 bro i would be blasting this in school if they let us used are phones
0 fire