This one was definitely fun to work with. And man, I just never get tired of hearing those chords...


Edit One: Changed kick, redid second drop, added outro


Edit Two: Added white noise before the second drop

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  • I feel like I might want to redo this and make it better.

  • @opaqity Thanks for the tips! I'm gonna keep repubbing as long as I can because I keep coming up with new ideas for it.

  • Pretty cool remix. I'll keep my eye on this one. It seems a little bit slow - a speed-up would probably be of benefit to this. Also, the intro synth sounds a little over-resonant and kind of hurts my ears haha. Overall, cool remix.

  • nice entry

  • Yeah I didn't know what to do for the second drop so I just improvised. I'll probably fix it later.

  • mmm chill