
This is something I actually wanna finish, unlike some of my other shit (including the ones that apparently charted lmao)



-crit harshly

-dont remake (i know what your thinking astron, im gonna pick on you specifically XDD)

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  • title: dicks out for vulkron

  • anyyways, i really like this, good luck finishing it!

    • Thank ya for critting supe harshlyy :D

  • Never Go Down!! I think thats a good name

  • also sounds like this was inspired by martin so if you wanted a title you could use something computer related because martin likes to call his tracks stuff like virus, error 404, proxy, keygeb ect. maybe syntax lol idk

  • also you could maybe change the last chord the second time the chord progression loops so its the same chord but maybe in a different position. (eg if it was c, e and g, you could change the chord notes to be e, g and c on the top). the chord change idea might not work and its not really necessary, but it could add variation which would make it sound more interesting.

  • make the chords a bit louder and the white noise a bit quieter, because the chords sound really nice but they're kinda being drowned out by the white noise.

  • Too much high end. You could add some really nice riser if you do that. Could be slightly more progressive.

  • Here's my crit: Try making the second to last note in the loop higher.

    1 more
  • Ultra Apple!

  • Title: Genesis

  • Title Idea: Ideosyncratic

  • Republished

    Repub, crit and help with da title pl0x

  • honestly the chords sound like martin garrix in terms of sound design and harmonically

  • honestly the sound design is amazing. i have a lot of crit tho. first off, this sounds really rought, i dunno if u put tube on anything or it just sounds to loud. It does need to be turned down a lot. it feels really empty, it needs a lot of background fx like an arp a crowd noise and maybe even a long voice on the root key. also, it needs a stronger bass, i suggest a square with a tube and a slope on default settings. but i can see this being really really good

    • *rough

    • lol thanks for criting harshly. I agree with everything u just said

  • Republished
