shit bro i'm so proud i played this all on keyboard myself

Alternate Name: Can't Get Better.
This was mostly made with ableton/massive.
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0 -
0 vvvv lol stfu
1 no growl bass....FUQ U U PEESH OF SHIT >:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((penis((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
0 i love the lead melody. and the chords. and the beat. and the whole song. <3
0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 this is nuts. the sounddesign is sexy
1 yes you are
0 Republished
changed shit
0 Noice <3
0 this is like my fav from you atm.
0 ooooh my goooosh
0 This is absolutely beautiful.
0 Amazing.
8 To me you're not overrated or underrated. Just rated. By me. As a very good artist. :P
8 Alternate Alternate Alternate Name: fav me plox (lyk if u cri evrtim)