I come here before you, to present a remix challenge. I challenge you, to use the existing track above to creat/mix the best "wub" you can "wub".
How it works...
This is kind of like a chain remix contest. People will add 8 bars to the end of the track ONE AT A TIME. So let's say someone adds 8 bars and publishes it; the next person will then remix the newest track and add their section. Please make sure you are remixing the latest track to ensure we don't have multiple chains.
After a good amount of people have remixed I will do one final mix and publish for all audiotool-ers to hear!
The rules..
- No loops
- No samples (other than the ones already in the song)
- You may remix notes, effects, drums but ONLY for your section
- DO NOT edit anyone elses work
- You may add your own bass for your remix and have effects for it
I'm doing it in a chain contest format becuase it helps expose some of the more underground audiotool-ers.
I have done 16 bars and then remixed 16 bars to give you an example/ideas of what you can do.
If anyone has any questions please ask! And LET THE WUB CHALLENGE BEGIN! :D
The list of our great wub-ers (add your name here)
- @Xenon
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