pls ignore :3

It's just a drop -_-


But seriously I swear it's like the Heisenberg and me are connected, I understand sound design so much more than I used to! :DDD


This took me a total of 72 hours to make, and around 2 months, and yes, it's only a drop. I'm rlly proud of myself, but I still have a lot to go! :D


(all sound design is from scratch and by me, except for the white noise which I created earlier for my Alan Walker song, which I pretty much failed ;-; :(((( )

fx and vocals are not original, but have been modified and edited by me to get that Brooks vibe! ;)


even though u were supposed to ignore this (yes, I'm talking to u lmao) thanks for checking it out! I'll pin & pub the final version after I'm not busy probably lol.


have a good and fantastic day, and ignore this plssss, until it's done! :)))))

SeEeEee YaaaAAAa!!!

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  • This is a historic song for me: it got me loving music producing, and got me into my signature style: future bounce! :DDD

    • its not done but listening to it is so nostalgic

  • 1 more
  • Nice m8, the leads are a bit loud 0:08 WHAT IS THAT STAB I NEED IT

    • and yeah these leads are very trash compared to the ones I'm making now for the lynx remake...


      also ty for the advice and ur thoughts!!! :D

    • I made it :3

      it's basically a heavily detuned saw with a lot of detune, and u just do a brooks-ish vibrato thingy using the tune automation and go weeeueueueu....


      I hope this makes sense lol


  • this is huuuge, I repeat I think constance and progress are amazing, btw are you exited for the new track of nightwave? I loved the prevew

    • im late but tysm guys!!! :DDD

    • Thanks dude!!!!

      And yeah, I'm excited for his track too!

  • excuse me?

    howd i not notice this chart lol?

    • lolol thanks, and it's all good man! :D

      My first time getting #1, it's like a dream tbh XD

  • You're putting my drops to shame... and I was actually getting proud of the drops I've been producing lately... congrats on your 1st place track though!

    • lol rivals, that's how it is now eh? ;3

      lmao jk, and no need to be upset at all, you make great music!!! :D

      Just keep working hard and never give up, that's all! ;)

    • No, 2 months means you put a lot of thought and effort into it. I mean, I do too, but still, I tend to rush a bit or get lazy because I'm just too excited and impatient to get my music out there. Props to you for having that patience. Honestly I do feel like you're surpassing me now and I don't want to fall behind- I'll just have to work harder to pass you now.

      From this moment on we're rivals.

      (jk you're good, I'm just a bit upset with myself now)

    • Thank you so much!!!! Means a lot! :D

      And nah man, ur drops are way better if u compare timewise, because this took me 2 months, which means I pretty much suck XD

  • oml :OOOOO

    • Thanks so much dude!!!! :D

      And well, that's because this took about 2 months, yeah -_-

      anyways, ty bro! ;D

    • And u said on my wall that ur a noob


    • ikr, it's insane!!! :D

      Thanks to you and everyone else, I was able to reach this amazing milestone, so thank u!!! :DDDDDD

  • i love how 2 preset

    • XDDD

    • to smarttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

    • ye, everything is from scratch, but I decided to save the drums and the white noise since i'ma use it for other tracks :)

  • when you listen to the real songIT SOUNDS SO ALIKE BRRUUHHHHHHHHHHHHnoice

  • Ahhhh nice. I love the music vid of the song tho, its recorded in Amsterdam, the capital of my country : The Netherlands

    • Thank you!!! :D

      And yeah, I like the music vid too, it's rlly cool! And I never knew that, noice! :)))

  • Woah dude this amazing

  • Wtf?

  • I just wanna hear it without lag