shoutout to VirgoSan for the inspo

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  • You could put some more effort into the synth sound design. You know how to write melodies

    • ok thank you ur right the sounds are kinda trash

  • T-T well deserved chart ngl, but i still want to chart myself

    • hehe u get there dw this is my 2nd one that charted

  • I vibe w/ this

    I feel like I'm in a cool liminal space

  • um you should give it more of a future bass feel and less of a trap thats the tip that I would give

    • any other criticisms??

    • yeh i just do trap lol future bass isnt rlly my thing i thought id give it a try

  • Did you make the drums?

    • i just fixed preset drums tbh. by changing some of the rolls and kicks and tuned it a bit