The gravity/green compressor has two inputs and one output

The top input is where the audio signal goes into

the bottom one is the sidechain input

the output is where the main signal outputs

Sidechaining is basically using another sound to trigger the compressor, instead of the main signal


threshold is the level that the signal needs to reach in order for the compressor to start doing its job


ratio is how much compression is applied to the signal (usually like 2:1 or 4:1, meaning for every 2/4 db the signal exceeds, only 1dB will come out)


knee controls how smoothly or how abruptly the compressor kicks in as the signal approaches the threshold

RMS and Peak compression:

RMS compresses based on the average loudness on the signal over time

Peak compresses based on the highest peaks in the signal

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  • I needed this tutorial

    • the actual info not knowing how to stick it in the machine

    • XD I'm jus trolling

    • alright lv 😭

    2 more
  • Yessss now people will actually understand what I mean when I say

    "Sidechain that mel"

  • sick thanks!!

  • heavyyyy

  • established ATers helping others elevate their game, ya love to see it

  • tysm

  • this is mainly a tutorial or a insight for wave side chaining with the gravity