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  • Very nice and calm. Could be longer

  • The name is nice and comforting, the music is cool and chill, and this artist has earned a solid 9/10.

  • I LOVE IT. I just want a bass. A small 808 ngl would go hard. I love it

    • Your right, I will add some low end to it

  • Nice

  • Static is a little loud for me, but I like the vibe overall

  • Republished

    made it louder

    • mastering is better, some of the high end at 00:17 and the notes repeating further on should be subdued definitely or cut off slightly (it clips a bit), either by using curve or slope. The background static noise coming from the very beginning could b pitched better using a curve/slope also, it doesn't sound in tune with the mix. Def sounds better compared to last time so good job. Also to add, there is literally no low end/no bass but I think it was intentional to keep it that way if you like:)

  • nice&sweet!

  • The whole mix needs to mastered better and louder. Since you asked for feedback, my crit will be limited because it is just a sample. All I suggest is learning more mixing/mastering tools on AT :)

  • this is prtty good

  • sigma

  • Republished

    made it longer and a little louder

  • Hey Dudiomas

    A little louder would be better

    Good melody!


    • Alright I’ll fix that, that for the feedback