Here's my entry with no vocals because I kinda ran out of ideas. Might finish it in the future, but this is officially my last track. Thank you all for the journey. Started with future bass, so I'm gonna end with it :). Big thanks to naut again for helping me with this collab.

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  • Lmao back to the time when I was fucked up seeing you go, but now it's just memories :)

  • yuodytgyhyfrddegfhvjbhnjmk,lkjhgfdserdctfvygbhnjhbgvfcdxszaZsexdctfvgbhnjhbgfvdsexdcfvgbhnjjjjjjjj


  • thank you. pls don't take this the wrong way, but this is so beautiful that i'm going to use this as my alarm tone to wake up in the morning.

  • 2:30 one of the best AT electric guitar drops

    • You have naut to thank for that!

  • i love this track ahhhhh

  • Going out in a blaze of glory

  • fire

  • This s@#!t is lit

  • It hits

  • fye

  • goddammit we still have to finish ours XD

  • I'm sad to hear this will be your last track on AT, you were a blast to have around and I really enjoyed your music. I was still hoping that maybe we could've collaborated on a track like we were supposed to months ago, but I guess that ain't happening now... oh well. You're obviously going places, keep doing what you do man. Where will you be posting music or producing it now?

    • That's true, you can't really make anything that passionate when your heart's not in it... Damn, when did he say this stuff though? I didn't know he was leaving music production in general. That really sucks...

    • He's leaving the music at all, because you know, making songs without any motivation is rubbish

  • This is absolute art. It's beautiful!

  • so i guess that the competition is off...

  • glad u decided to end with future bass. this is really well structured. apart from the drop chords i have very little critique. everything fits so well except maybe the distorted guitar after the first drop. The drop chords are too harsh. it woulda sounded nicer with smoother saws and more heavy mid basses. and apart from a few mixing details, this is a certified banger. gonna miss u icebox <3