"It sounds like you healed, and that is beautiful"-V

my singing coach would KILL ME if i didnt change the key to somthing i could actually sing in lmfao


And I didnt want to pick up

Your phone call

Cuz i dont wanna hear you say my name

And if it's all the same

Why couldn't we just stay

Like it was

Like back on the bus

When you said i looked nice

I had copper colored eyes

I never thought id see them die by you

Oh you

Why you

Who are you to make me cry like that

And I don't care


I could just shut the door

on my head

Slam it shut

In the one room apartment

That we shared for almost more

than half a year

And if you can't tell

I really don't care

I wish I could care

About anything at all

And I haven't slept in about a week

And eating takes too much energy

So great for me its fucking fantastic

Ill kill myself in the fucking attic

Except im just too scared

And whos gonna write my will anyway

I don't have anything left to give away

Just a guitar with you name carved into the back

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