Hot dayum

I can't make anything creative
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0 -
0 what you guys do on here is mindblowing. this is outstanding.
0 pyo͝or krēāˈtivədē :)
8 Wait.
Look up creative in the dictionary. It'll describe this pretty accurately.
0 This is great. Why do you need help.
0 then im never creative
9 wtf is stoping u clu?
0 this makes me want to produce on at again
0 If the vox chops were just a little louder ugh
0 Dude this has some major potential!
0 lmao so "not" creative this is amazing trap dude if anything those vox are crazy creative
0 >can’t make anything creative
>makes this
teq u blind
0 major lazor or nah?
0 i can't make anything creative either
0 Is very good, man