this song was inspired by "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites" by Skrillex.

PS: tell me what you imagine when you listen to shi song, in the comments below.

PPS: this is mostly a scrap, that's why the structuring of it sounds so weird. there isn't even much of an intro....

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  • i miss these daysssss

  • I like this track!

  • I made 3 songs like scary monsters and nice sprite but all were deleted cause the server was offline. D=

  • I love this type of music.

  • This is an absolutely stunning track great job thanks for favorite also :)

  • ths would be a good track for minecraft lol

  • I like the bass synth a lot. It grooves.

  • Just love... :)

  • Very nice !

  • i hear it too amoeba. youre creating a minor 2nd interval with is nasty xD

  • yknow what, i dont think youll understand what i just said so forget it. i get carried away lots of the time.. ;)

    but seriously, this is a very good track! i keep coming back to it, its so clean sounding.

  • well, those are keys, and chords are the outlines of the scales of those keys, major or minor...its just that for one of the chords im hearing, there is a G and a G-flat conflicting with eachother...that creates a half step and its really dissonant and out of place. all you need to do is delete the G natural. its in the beginning chord synth and the other chord synth at 1:49 . and @Polygon Cube yeah, sorry, thats right, i just use "b" instead of flat, its just my instinct. ;)

  • pretty certain Eb stands for E flat...maybe my memory is wrong :\

  • what the heck is an eb major and minor? all i know is that changing the middle note of a triple-note chord determines if it's a major or minor, i dunno what the heck Eb majoris though.

  • some things that need fixing:

    in the chords, change the Eb Major chord to an Eb Minor!!! PPLEEEASEEE!!! ITS BUGGING ME SO MUCH RRG!!!

    at 1:34 , maybe have that snare lowpass out of nowhere. maybe at 1:49 , just have nothing but the tonematrix chords and the melody, it would open the whole thing up a lot more. i think ill remix it, its just so good but its the little things that are bugging me, yknow? still, amazing work! :)