Also, what kind of monster computer do you have that you can make these tracks? My computer is pretty solid and it still lags a touch when I open up your set up.

...from old drafts...
Real name : Uplift by Jack Smooth
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0 -
0 How did I miss this?
0 Thanks Robert1040ez, Acidic, Jace and Hardock !)
0 Awesome electronic!
0 So clean!
0 Nice to see that when I came back there was a new Chunk track :)
0 You are still the best musician I have ever heard with a 303.
0 Thanks a lot Repton !
0 Very nice feeling to it. Great uplifter
0 Thank you so much my friends :) !
0 tastes like old memories :) i love it. chunk ur the best _\m/
0 Oh yah Chunkster, super of course, love it, N1m8:)!
0 I love the timbre of that arp. I can't find a way to describe it, but it's hermosa.
0 love it chunk !!
0 Chunkatronicly awesome ;)