Huge thanks to A Dragon Named Cuddlex for this carzy synth work and shtuff.
I would like to finish this with Cuddlex, When he returns from his Hiatus, If he wants to.
Anyway, this was way too good to not try. So, here's the outcome! -Xtraction
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0 -
0 still love
0 ouch..i hit my head off the drop while headbanging
1 XD
1 Tags say it all.
0 That fucking modulation tho!
0 XD
1 I've been smacked in the face by amazing sound and huge bass
1 d^.^b
0 ;) glad you like it bruh
0 Fuck yeah! This is da shit bruh!
0 Thanks ;*
6 I luv when ppl remix awesome short dubstep things like this. <3
1 <3 <3