A long time ago in the year... 2011 the owner of a house was addicted to making beats, attracting small animals with the sounds, traping them, and eating them. one day the owner mysteriously died, but the sounds still come from the house.

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  • Cool.

  • cool :)

  • I like it

    I can just imagine this house owner making music instead of smell as he decomposes inside the house

  • beats come from the house or cats being mauled? jw...very cool track...new follower right here..very nice work

  • good Jam

  • its all good when ever you do get it published if you can remember to leave me a link on my wall that would be great more likely to listen its hard to keep up with everyone so i try to tell everyone if you can post on my wall i will be sure to listen :D got a new track out myself if you have a moment ;)

  • no thank you, and i hope 2 get my next song up before the end of the week, if not than oh well, when ever it's done.

  • BTF :) thanks for the accept on FB and cant wait to hear your next track ;)

  • love it very cool - love your melody :)

  • cool track :) ur pretty good at dark stuff

  • This is sick, very nice melody!

  • :) ohhhh yeah this is actually really nice and dark i like alot and ZS is your bro :) got yourself a new follower

  • o yeah girl ,, love it realy dark and spooky track . please check my new tracks to :)

  • ...........................gost animal!! :)

  • Creepy...