Before all else: Set bpm to 80, then
1. Turn off limiter on main output
2. Make a machineste and hook it up to an unedited graphic EQ
3. Load a kick, hi hat, and snare sample of your choosing into the mach
4. Make a simple *kick* *hat* *snare* *hat* beat and record it to the timeline
5. Make some shit melody (I can't help there)
6. After the melody and beat are extend a few bars (I did 9) create a heisenberg (don't change any settings) and turn the centroid gain for that channel up to about +14
7. Make a 1/2 bar note of fairly low bass in the last bar of the melody
8. Make a track to change the master tune on the bassline berg. Make the track lower the tune of the note throughout it, eventually reaching a pitch no longer playable through speakers (before the note ends) This should make a nice falling bass sound.
9. Make another berg and load an airsweep preset on it.
10. Make sure the volume on that berg is all the way down. Then make a track to turn up the volume exponentially as it plays. This should make a volume sweep that sounds fairly decent.
11. Right as the drum loop stops, turn the bass up on the graphic EQ.
12. Place a note track with a single kick at the start of the next bar, as everything stops.
13. Load any flat dubstep bass preset onto a new heisenberg.
14. Add a tube, slope(on notch setting), reverb, and graphic EQ with my boost preset loaded onto the new berg.
15. Make a bar bass note that starts at the same time as the bass boosted kick.
This is how I make a lot of drops.
Hope this helped
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