French Electro.

Before anyone calls out on it, the drums arent too loud, distorted etc. Nor is that bass. Thats the style ;)




Even if the waveform disgress. Anyway, listen!

And i forgot to mention. I dont mean this in a dramatic 12yr old way, but if played in headphones it can be someone what painful ;)

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  • Had to come back to download your song. I have bin lissening to this song for two years and it is just as great as the first time. This is great and i will be lissening for many years to come. It may only have 400 plays here but im going to jam to it for at least a decade. Thank for making some thing i enjoyed way to much.

  • Haha, thanks SBD! ;)

  • OO i had already faved his and somehow it didn't take but I REFAVE it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thanks guys! And you troll aron, ol' you! ;)

  • LOL :D V

  • drums are too loud and too distorted, and so is the bass

  • nice man:)

  • Wow, lots of comments! Thanks abstract! And yeah, that track and and some BloodyBeetroots and MSTRKRFT inspired me :)

    Heh, i read that too arche! It has to be mixed and eqed in a 'bell curve' or something :)

  • All music has to sound good on an old kitchen radio to be considered mixed well LOL. Nice one. I like this

  • middle section melodies are sweet!

  • quite hard hitting drums. this actually reminds me a lot of this (except this has that common OO crispy, high end feel) :D That french thing

  • this is insanely good!

  • Haha, well it varies on what your listening on. On speakers, the drums are loud

    Headphones, the bass is louder ;)

  • sounds pretty cool :)

    i'm using cheap headphones so i can't judge the mix well :p

  • ;)