holy crap I love the space synth.

Also, I'm not really 100% sure how exactly it works yet.

Here's a track with nothing but space.

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  • did you make the drums in space??????


    • cool

    • I got a kick and snare that I like a bit. Had to bit crush them some, but they fit in this track I'm working on.

    • really?

    1 more
  • the bomb <3

  • This is nice man. Love the 80's vibe.

  • Noice. I'm probably not going to touch the Space until i'm confident I have at least some idea of what I can and can't do with it.

    • nah dude, just play around with it. If anything, keep hitting the randomize until you find something cool and just look at what the settings are. ( I may be guilty of this very counterproductive process )

  • I wish my car sounded like this

  • this song makes me glad your car broke down lol

    • I just got it back from the shop. My garbage blazer is still kicking!

  • Weeb

  • Yummy

  • here b4 chart

  • Holy fuck that's beautiful