Finally, Onei reaches a safe and calm area within the storm of struggle. He underestimated the jump in difficulty of his journey and was beginning to be overwhelmed. Onei is so worn out that he decides to sleep while he has the chance so that he may regain his vitality. This sleep would be perturbed by strange, yet important dreams. In his dreams, Onei learns more about the astral plane, its inhabitants, and even its societal structure, including a key being that he will meet sooner rather than later. Onei is getting a preview of the future, revealing potential escape routes should he need to leave the astral plane. Onei's dreams are convenient, but he now knows that things may only get worse.

Upon awakening, Onei begins to waver. He's not entirely sure that he'll be okay anymore, but it's too late to go back now. he'll have to keep pushing on whether he wants to continue his journey or not.


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  • for want of a better description, this makes my brain feel good