Forrest Kit Percussion Sample Pack (FKP)

ARC Open Lisence, CC BY-SA 2020


Sound Design: @Leinholz

Hardware: Zoom H1

Notes: Hi there AT community. May I present the Forrest Percussion Kit (FKP). The idea for this sample pack was kind of induced by the audiotool community. A few years back I bought a handheld audio recorder to get some organic and acoustic sounds into my productions. One of the sounds I recorded was simply some peaces of wood that I knocked together. After uploading it to audiotool it became my most favourited sample and was used in quite a few productions. When the Audio Resource Collective was formed I came up with the idea to extend on this type of sounds and to record a "percussive sounds from the woods" sample pack.

Hope you like the sounds and find use for them.

Keep being creative, have fun and consider supporting the Audiotool developers by becoming a Patreon for a buck a month.



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  • this is a great discovery, especially knowing how im really into using nature-ish percs and stuff lol

  • Beautiful sounds thanks Leinholz!

    I have only one question, to use them I have to download them and then cut them for example with audacity or I do a remix in AT.

    Sorry but it's not that long since I'm on AT and I don't want to be wrong. :)

    • Thanks for the answer <3

      I have just started a draft with these beautiful and inspiring sounds.

      Thanks again for your wonderful work.

      I'd like to contribute by recording samples with my musical instruments or other.

    • To use the available sounds in this pack, you can just browse samples in audiotool by searching "FKP" in oneshots. Or, you can listen to all the available samples and favourite the ones you want to use here: Forrest Kit Percussion > Assets. Then you can find those in the favourites tab of the sample browser in audiotool.

      Hope this helps. Happy making!

  • Looking forward to hear some productions with these!

  • i am now surrounded by trees and forrest stuffs. cool sounds

  • sounds like could be put to good use!

  • ah yes