I can't tell who's part is which but it's decent

2 year old draft, recently revived and brought to this point. enjoy <3
If you guys wanna republish with any changes you have the login
gang gang
Hopefully more soon, no promises though (:
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0 -
0 yea this was a banger back then
0 holy shit!
0 The high end on those saws are actually really nice
0 omfgggggg bro
1 but future bass chords are not usually thicc melodic dubstep chords are. so instead make them cleaner
1 that melody is soo infectious, this song always puts a smile on my face
1 I want to make a super collab but no one's down to...
0 Wow
0 one more fav
5 Ngl niggas did set the highs to 4000db in the beginning
0 and less of those dam highs
0 thats a mistake i made too many times. i made the chords have a lot of highs instead of making them thiccer
0 chords are really high er have a lot of highs
1 rocket league music :D