Wow. I don't even know where to begin. My goodbye track. It's crazy to think about how far I've come in the two and a half years I've been on this site. There are way too many people to thank for this incredivle journey. So many friends. So many inspirations. So many collaborators. So many critiquers that got me to where I am at today. If you haven't heard, I've decided to take a break from the community to focus on things that are happening in my life. I will continue to make music in the app, and I will come back when I am finally ready to sell my music to the world.
There are wayyyyyy to many people to shoutout, so I wont, but there are three really good friends I met on here that I would like to point out. Vulkron, JAXXN, and Sentient have been really nice and helpful to me and I will never forget that. Also, I'd like to shoutout my friend ZIM because we are actually great friends IRL and he showed me audiotool. Again, there are way too many people to give anymore shoutouts, but this doesn't mean i don't love or treasure you.